Yes, dentist, I have been brushing twice per day. Yes, dentist, I do floss. Are you lying? There’s no point; your dentist is going to know!

Your dentist plays a vital role in your life. They are there to provide advice on your oral care, to offer treatment for any problems you’re having, and to notice anything relating to oral health that could cause problems in the future. They will answer any questions you might have, but they will also ask a few to make sure they are doing all they can for you, and that you are doing all you can for your oral health.

Have you ever lied to your dentist? Most people will have at least stretched the truth. Here are some of the more common lies dentists hear, and how they know if you’re being truthful or not!

Dentist: Do you feel any pain?

Patient: No

Local and general anaesthetic is useful in a dental situation for pain-free procedures like fillings. If you feel pain or discomfort during a procedure, let your dentist know. Often, your dentist can pick up body language. Flinching eyes, clenched jaws, tightened tongues, and tense legs are all signs that the anaesthetic isn’t quite enough to numb your mouth completely. Speak up, and your dentist will take action.  

Dentist: Are you a smoker?

Patient: No

Smoking can cause lung, mouth, and throat cancer, not to mention tooth loss, decay, and gum disease. Some people might be embarrassed or ashamed to say they smoke, so they may tell their dentist they don’t.  

Even if a dentist can’t smell cigarette smoke, they can notice other signs of a smoker. Nicotine stains on fingers and stained teeth can also be telling signs, even if the words don’t come from your mouth.

Dentist: Do you drink sugary beverages like soda?

Patient: Rarely, or no

The acid in soda is responsible for the erosion of enamel on your teeth. Citrus fruits can wear it away, as well. If a dentist notices a lot of enamel wear, they may see that you do drink soda or similar beverages more than you say. If you’re partial to a sugary drink from time to time, rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Dentist: Do you floss regularly?

Patient: Yes

Alongside brushing and rinsing, flossing should form part of a regular oral healthcare regime. If you tell your dentist you do, then they will know you’re lying based on what they see below your gum line, and if your gums bleed or are inflamed.

Flossing removes plaque that sits below your gumline, while brushing takes care of what lies above it. People should be flossing at least once daily. By doing so, you may be able to reduce the risk of gum disease or gingivitis.

Whether you’re visiting your dentist for a check-up or a service like teeth whitening or a filling, it’s important to be honest with your dentist. By doing so, they can provide the right help and advice to get your oral health back on track.

Categories: Health