7 Tips For Packing For Your Home Move In Just 72 Hours

7 Tips For Packing For Your Home Move In Just 72 Hours

Removalists come across clients whose moving needs can differ significantly, as well as numerous scenarios that do not fit the normal house move process. One of these is when a client contacts them and explains that they need to pack and move within three days. Admittedly, these situations are rare, but they do happen more often than you might think.

They can be for any number of reasons, with the more common being an opportunity to move to another home that has an extremely short deadline, financial reasons regarding mortgage arrangements and bridging loans, or it could simply that the client has left everything to the last minute and is panicking now that they are meant to be moving within 72 hours.

Thankfully, removalists from brillianceremovalistsmelbourne.com.au have lots of tips as to how a house move can be done in 3 days, especially regarding packing everything, and below are seven of them.

Do Not Wait To Start Packing

This might seem blatantly obvious, but it must be said. Too many people waste time thinking about the next 72 hours and packing up their homes instead of doing so. Fretting will not help either, so accept the situation and start taking action immediately, such as those that follow.
