People often talk about how expensive dental care can be, is, or might be. While the price is relative to treatment options and service, there can often be an even higher price associated with not seeing dentists for treatment. This can be particularly true for patients who require dental implants but are yet to get them.

What’s holding you back? Are you scared? Are you unsure what’s involved in receiving dental implants? Are you unfamiliar with what the benefits of dental implants could be? Believe it or not, getting dental implants can be far more affordable and desirable than the alternative – doing nothing at all.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the foundation for replacement teeth. Dentists insert metal frames or posts into your jawbone beneath the gum line. These implants fuse to the bone and become a sound foundation for new teeth. Unlike dentures, they don’t shift or slip around in your mouth but, instead, take the place of your old teeth that may have been lost to an accident, injury, or decay.

Bone Deterioration

When you lose a tooth, the last thing you’re possibly thinking about at that time is what you are going to do to fill the gap. Your mind might be more focused on the extraction process, instead. However, the sooner you start thinking about dental implants, the sooner you can avoid problems associated with missing teeth. One of which is bone deterioration.

Even within a year of losing a tooth, including through extraction, bone can atrophy. Atrophy is the process of losing height and bone density where your tooth used to be. If you leave it too long to get a dental implant, you may find yourself in need of not only an implant but a bone graft, as well.

Teeth Positioning

Delay in dental implants can also affect your teeth’s positioning. Your teeth rely on each other to keep their shape and structure. When one goes missing, neighbouring teeth don’t know what to do with themselves. They begin to shift to try and fill the gap, and may even end up causing issues with your bite.

Tongue and Cheek Biting

If it’s not enough that you can lose bone and cause your teeth to move out of alignment, but the loss of a tooth and a lack of replacement can result in more tongue and cheek biting. The more you bite your tongue and cheeks, the more you can struggle with eating. You can also end up favouring a single side for chewing, which can result in additional wear and tear.

Don’t let fear and anxiety put you off finding out more about dental implants. If you’ve had a tooth extracted, or you’ve lost it through decay, infection, an accident, or injury, then talk to your local dentists. They can advise you on whether dental implants or something else can be a suitable treatment option. Even though the average Australian adult is missing five teeth, you don’t have to be one of them.