How Speech And Language Development Can Be Enhanced With Barrier Games

As you might be aware, the speech pathologists from CommuniKids who are experts and have experience in helping children with speech and language difficulties use a broad spectrum of tools and resources to achieve the speech therapy goals that have been identified. Such is the number and diversity of these it would be impossible to list them all, but one which we do wish to highlight is playing games.

Given that children of all ages, backgrounds, and development levels learn a huge amount when playing games, then it follows that playing games will be a crucial tool in the armoury of resources and teaching tools that a speech pathologist uses with the children under their care.

The form each game takes and how it is played will differ and each child’s needs will be taken into account when their speech pathologist is deciding upon which games will have the greatest positive impact on their speech and language development. A consideration they will make is which type of game is most suitable, and one game type which may be looked at is barrier games.


6 Ways to Use Turmeric

Turmeric has a long history in culinary use giving curries their yellow appearance & distinct taste. The main active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin, which is from a curcuminoid compound. Curcumin has a distinct mustard-like smell with a slightly bitter, peppery & earthy flavour.

While the health benefits of consuming turmeric have gained popularity recently, it is interesting to note that turmeric has been used in traditional medicine for over 4,000 years for a variety of conditions. Many research studies have shown that curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory effects on our bodies. Recommended for arthritis for its anti-inflammatory & pain relieving properties, turmeric is also an amazing anti-oxidant so will fight free radicals in our bodies which can cause disease. Turmeric is great for detoxing the liver & also provides anti-microbial effects.

What to do with your turmeric?

1. Add it to your cooking – fortify soups, mix with scrambled eggs, toss it amongst your roast veggies before cooking


How To Clean Vomit From A Leather Couch If Someone Has Been Sick On It

If someone throws up while seated on or near your leather couch, there’s no time to clean the couch thoroughly or call in professional couch cleaners. The cause of the throw-up could be anything from a severe stomach illness to an excessive amount of alcohol consumption.

Whilst leather is a robust and durable material, that does not mean it is invincible, and should someone vomit all over a leather couch, there are serious risks that the leather could be damaged and thus ruin the appearance of that couch.

Some reasons this is the case include any food colorants within the vomit causing the dye on the leather to discolor and the stomach acid within the vomit burning a stain into the leather. The lingering smell will remain on your leather couch should the vomit not be cleaned away correctly, no matter how small the amount is.

So, assuming you do not wish your leather couch to be damaged or, worse, ruined should someone vomit on it, below is our quick guide on how to clean vomit from a leather couch. Before we start, the essential medical point is that before you do any couch cleaning, please ensure that the person who has been sick is okay. Vomiting can be an indicator of something more serious, so attend to their welfare before your couch by seeking medical advice if you deem it necessary.


7 Tips For Packing For Your Home Move In Just 72 Hours

7 Tips For Packing For Your Home Move In Just 72 Hours

Removalists come across clients whose moving needs can differ significantly, as well as numerous scenarios that do not fit the normal house move process. One of these is when a client contacts them and explains that they need to pack and move within three days. Admittedly, these situations are rare, but they do happen more often than you might think.

They can be for any number of reasons, with the more common being an opportunity to move to another home that has an extremely short deadline, financial reasons regarding mortgage arrangements and bridging loans, or it could simply that the client has left everything to the last minute and is panicking now that they are meant to be moving within 72 hours.

Thankfully, removalists from have lots of tips as to how a house move can be done in 3 days, especially regarding packing everything, and below are seven of them.

Do Not Wait To Start Packing

This might seem blatantly obvious, but it must be said. Too many people waste time thinking about the next 72 hours and packing up their homes instead of doing so. Fretting will not help either, so accept the situation and start taking action immediately, such as those that follow.


Should I try Home Rehab?

Why Trying Drugs Detox At Home Is Extremely Risky

Many people with a drug addiction simply refuse to enter drug rehab, such as and opt instead to try overcoming their illness themselves, generally at home. That might sound laudable, and although many people have weaned themselves off drugs in this way, it has no guarantee of success.

Further, the chances of this option being successful are far less than the drug above available rehab treatments. Even more cause for concern is that detoxing oneself at home carries several risks. We are not suggesting that anyone trying to end their addiction at home should be criticised for that, merely that they must do so in full knowledge of those risks.

Taking that stage further, it is essential that anyone who cares for a person with drug addiction, especially their family, is aware of what the risks of home detox consist of. To that aim, we have outlined below the main dangers of detoxing at home.


Important Facts About Vitamins Everyone Should Know

Important Facts About Vitamins Everyone Should Know

If you read or listen to advice relating to your health, and in particular the nutrients you need to remain healthy, you will surely have come across some information about vitamins.  Vitamins play a crucial role in our development as children and our general health as adults. The body needs them. The mind needs them, and other important functions such as the immune system, metabolism,  nerve impulses and oxygen flow around the body all need them.

It would probably be easier to list the body functions that do not rely upon vitamins than those that do. This should alert you to the fact that almost everything that contributes to your health and well-being relies upon vitamins to some degree. Beyond that, there are several facts about vitamins that many people are unaware of. They know vitamins are good for them, but beyond that, their knowledge of vitamins is lacking, so let us resolve that.

In all, there are a total of 13 vitamins that humans need to survive. These are Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. Each of them has a chemical name (in brackets), specific functions within our bodies and various sources as outlined below.


Top 4 Reasons People Go Dairy Free

Top 4 Reasons People Go Dairy Free

1. Allergy

Cows milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies affecting children. An allergic response occurs as the immune system reacts to the proteins casein & whey found in milk, causing the body to produce antibodies. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to milk can be mild, causing hives, welts & swelling but can be as severe as anaphylaxis, although this is rare. If there is an allergic reaction to cow’s milk, this will usually mean there can be a reaction to other animal milk such as goats. With an allergy, all dairy products, milk solids and traces of dairy in any product should be avoided.

2. Intolerance

Dairy and/or lactose (the natural sugar found in milk) intolerances differ from dairy allergies; intolerances will not cause a severe reaction or anaphylaxis. Intolerances occur when a chemical reaction occurs after eating or drinking, often caused by a digestive issue. Dairy intolerances have been linked to asthma, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms can include but are not limited to headaches, nausea, bloating, diarrhoea, and mucous build-up.


5 Tips To Ensure That Your Landscape Design Is A Sound Investment For Your Home

5 Tips To Ensure That Your Landscape Design Is A Sound Investment For Your Home

If you are contemplating a landscape design to reinvigorate your garden, there are likely to be several reasons that are driving you towards that decision. It could be you have moved into a new home, and you want to put your stamp on it with a newly landscaped garden. Or it might be that your garden is lacking aesthetics such as swimming pools and is not somewhere that you and your family can enjoy.

Another, and extremely important reason for having a landscape design created for your garden is once it has been fully installed, the value of your property is almost certainly going to increase. That could be anywhere between 1% and 10%, and some are even bold enough to suggest 20%. We obviously cannot guarantee you any of those figures, however, if the past is a guide, a beautiful, landscaped garden will certainly add, not detract from a property’s value.

Whatever that value might be, it is only of any positive effect if, when you come to sell your property, you have buyers willing to pay your asking price. A further benefit of a landscaped garden is that its existence is going to make your home a more desirable option for buyers than other properties that do not have a well-designed landscape garden.


Kombucha Vs Kefir! Who's the winner?

Kombucha Vs Kefir! Who’s the winner?

What is the difference between Kombucha and Water Kefir? And which one is better for you?

Well, in a nutshell, they are both fermented probiotic beverages but they use different cultures to start the fermentation process. For kombucha, the starter culture is known as a SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) which is held together by polysaccharides giving it the appearance of a mushroom. Water kefir starts with gelatinous grains, which are small and translucent colonies of beneficial bacteria and yeasts.

Both fermented drinks start off with a sweet liquid base: Kombucha uses a sugar tea (normally black or green tea) while water kefir uses sugar water.

Water kefir has a shorter fermentation of 24-48 hours which usually results in a sweeter yeasty-style drink. Kombucha is fermented for 2 -4 weeks and when made traditionally it has a vinegar-like taste. However, most commercially made kombucha sold today is brewed with a sweeter style to make it more consumer-friendly.


Why An Apple A Day Can Keep Both Your Doctor AND Your Dentist Away

Why An Apple A Day Can Keep Both Your Doctor AND Your Dentist Away

There is a well-known phrase that states, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Whilst not entirely accurate, given that people who eat apples do still become ill from time to time, it speaks more to the fact that apples contain many nutrients that are good for your health, and thus will hopefully reduce how often the doctor needs to see you.

However, the doctor is not the only health professional that apples can reduce the workload for. Your dentist may also not be as busy trying to fix your teeth and gums if you eat apples regularly. To provide you with some of the reasons why apples are good for your health, including your oral health, we are going to outline are some of the many benefits of eating apples. Before we look at oral health,  we will first list some of the general health benefits apples can provide.

Reduced Blood Pressure: High blood pressure can result from high levels of sodium in your blood. Apples are rich in potassium which helps to control the aforementioned sodium levels, thus keeping your blood pressure in check.
