Having Clean Carpets

The Health Benefits Of Having Clean Carpets

For many people, the sole purpose of calling in a professional carpet cleaner is to simply make their carpets look cleaner. For others, an additional objective is to prolong the lifetime of their carpets. However, there is a third reason for wanting clean carpets which has nothing to do with the appearance or well-being of the carpets themselves.

In fact, when it comes to well-being, it is yours and your family’s that we are referring to, because there are many health benefits that are derived from having your carpets cleaned regularly.

Now, what we are not talking about here is the physical exertion you have to produce when you are pushing the vacuum cleaner around your home. As much as that may burn off a few calories, what we are actually referring in terms of health benefits, are those which occur as a result of your carpets being clean.


Dentist Knows You’re Lying

Your Dentist Knows You’re Lying, and Here’s How

Yes, dentist, I have been brushing twice per day. Yes, dentist, I do floss. Are you lying? There’s no point; your dentist is going to know!

Your dentist plays a vital role in your life. They are there to provide advice on your oral care, to offer treatment for any problems you’re having, and to notice anything relating to oral health that could cause problems in the future. They will answer any questions you might have, but they will also ask a few to make sure they are doing all they can for you, and that you are doing all you can for your oral health.

Have you ever lied to your dentist? Most people will have at least stretched the truth. Here are some of the more common lies dentists hear, and how they know if you’re being truthful or not!

Dentist: Do you feel any pain?

Patient: No

Local and general anaesthetic is useful in a dental situation for pain-free procedures like fillings. If you feel pain or discomfort during a procedure, let your dentist know. Often, your dentist can pick up body language. Flinching eyes, clenched jaws, tightened tongues, and tense legs are all signs that the anaesthetic isn’t quite enough to numb your mouth completely. Speak up, and your dentist will take action.   (more…)

Dental Implants

The High Price of Not Getting Dental Implants

People often talk about how expensive dental care can be, is, or might be. While the price is relative to treatment options and service, there can often be an even higher price associated with not seeing dentists for treatment. This can be particularly true for patients who require dental implants but are yet to get them.

What’s holding you back? Are you scared? Are you unsure what’s involved in receiving dental implants? Are you unfamiliar with what the benefits of dental implants could be? Believe it or not, getting dental implants can be far more affordable and desirable than the alternative – doing nothing at all.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the foundation for replacement teeth. Dentists insert metal frames or posts into your jawbone beneath the gum line. These implants fuse to the bone and become a sound foundation for new teeth. Unlike dentures, they don’t shift or slip around in your mouth but, instead, take the place of your old teeth that may have been lost to an accident, injury, or decay.

Bone Deterioration

When you lose a tooth, the last thing you’re possibly thinking about at that time is what you are going to do to fill the gap. Your mind might be more focused on the extraction process, instead. However, the sooner you start thinking about dental implants, the sooner you can avoid problems associated with missing teeth. One of which is bone deterioration.


Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Missing Tooth

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian adults are missing an average of 4.5 teeth. The older someone is, the fewer teeth they seem to have. It might appear normal or natural to have missing teeth, but when a dentist can ensure that you have a full set, why would you ever choose to have less?

Not only do aesthetics come into play, but so too does your oral health. Read on to learn why you shouldn’t ignore a missing tooth. The sooner you can see your dentist, the better it will be for your overall health.

Gum Disease Risk

Your mouth is a warm, wet place and, as such, is a breeding ground for bacteria. When you lose a tooth, a wound remains in your gum tissue. Therefore, you are at a higher risk of infection with a missing tooth, than if that tooth remained in place.

Gum infections are painful and inconvenient, but they can also lead to gum disease. Gum disease causes your gum tissue to recede, which can even lead to further tooth loss.


Maintaining Mental Health

Five Tips for Maintaining Mental Health When Being Harassed

Workplace harassment and racial discrimination are serious issues that can have a severe impact on peoples’ mental health. Although Australian law protects employees from racism in the workplace, it occurs nonetheless.

Although a lot of people seek professional legal and medical help when workplace problems become too much, the mental health impacts can stay with a person for a significant length of time. Because of this, we decided to put together the following list of our top five tips for maintaining strong mental health in the face of harassment. They include:

  1. Making Sure You Sleep Properly

Poor sleep is a major contributor to poor mental health. Ensuring you sleep properly will help you maintain a good mental space, even in the face of discrimination.

For example, avoid drinking too much alcohol before bed. Although you may feel like drinking helps you sleep better, it doesn’t. Even if you feel like you’re sleeping longer and waking up less, your quality of sleep will be significantly decreased.

  1. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

In fact, it’s a good idea to stop drinking altogether if you’re suffering from poor mental health due to harassment. If you start drinking, it’s very easy to fall into a downward spiral leading to alcoholism and other problems.


What to Do if You Break a Tooth

What to Do if You Break a Tooth

One minute you’re chowing down on your favourite meal, and the next, you’re biting into a piece of your own tooth. It’s never nice finding out that you’ve broken a tooth, especially if you think that the only course of action is to see your dentist for an extraction.

Believe it or not, a broken tooth is not a cause for stress or concern. Your dentist can walk you through a range of options that might be suitable for your unique situation. You’ll be back smiling with full confidence in no time.


You might think that a filling is only a suitable dental procedure for a cavity, but it can actually be useful for a broken tooth, as well. The dentist uses the restorative filling material to fix a cracked or broken tooth.

It’s painless, affordable, and relatively straightforward. Your dentist will talk you through the process, but their goal is to mold the filling material into the shape of the missing piece of your tooth.
